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Florida Medical Tourism Blog | Latest Health News
June 20, 2015
The many benefits that come within Ramadan

A very significant global event will take place, most likely on June 17, and extend over a month. That is the arrival of the holy month of Ramadan. During this month, there is spiritual renewal, redemption of all good deeds and endless mercy from our creator — the great prize of which will be the […]

June 5, 2015
Transforming Healthcare!

Watching the debate on optimal healthcare delivery with various parties including CEOs of small hospitals in rural America threatened by closure due to financial difficulties and an inability to keep up with rising costs and decreased reimbursements . Unfortunately they happen to be serving the most disadvantaged Americans who are  challenged with poverty and lack […]

May 11, 2015
Happy Mother's Day

We all know that everyone in the whole universe came to life from their mother's womb with the exception of Adam and Jesus (peace be upon them). Thus, there is a very special status for mothers out there as they are truly the glue that keeps the family together and give love, attention, and care […]

May 11, 2015
My Very First Patient!

I vividly remember when I was so excited to have finished my very long tough 10 years of post graduate training going through clinical Internship, Residency , Research Fellowship then Clinical / Interventional Cardiology Fellowship in Long Island, New York City as I was moving to Florida to finally start working in Private Practice and […]

April 21, 2015
Preauthorization Medicine!

The full and absolute control of third party medicine in anything and everything has to do with the care of patients is real . Now this concept is going through a gateway of authorization. Preauthorization for any medical test ,procedure, office visit, medication to be dispensed, hospitalization, need of  Medical devices, durable equipment, oxygen, cane, […]

April 7, 2015
Happy Doctors Day!

When I met one of my colleagues as he was greeted with ( Happy Doctors Day), he replied, what is so happy about it? He went on and explained that he saw recently about 50% of private practice physicians gone!. They sold out their practices since they could not survive the rising operational cost to […]

Our Mission & Strategy

Florida Medical Tourism is a unique global service in medical care. It was originally designed to offer special medical services to global customers, specifically from the Middle East (Arabic speaking areas). The program was founded in the spring of 2012 to offer culturally sensitive medical services with emphasis on universal values and compassionate care.
8606 Hunters Village Rd
Tampa, FL 33647
TEL: +(352) 592-4938
FAX: +(352) 592-4941
E-MAIL: [email protected]
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