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Transforming Healthcare!

June 5, 2015

Watching the debate on optimal healthcare delivery with various parties including CEOs of small hospitals in rural America threatened by closure due to financial difficulties and an inability to keep up with rising costs and decreased reimbursements . Unfortunately they happen to be serving the most disadvantaged Americans who are  challenged with poverty and lack of education and have high rate of chronic diseases and complicated medical issues.Now they are having more difficult access to healthcare. The notion that Tele-medicine and monitoring devices given to patients will replace the traditional care in these particular rural areas may not result in achieving the target goals unless it is also combined with human elements that will make sense of all the data that is being collected from the devices and make a meaningful impact on their care. By properly educating them how to use these gadgets. 

There is no question that technology can play a major role and can fill in a part of the gap that has been created by the huge shift of healthcare focus to implement prevention and wellness rather than acute care management or (spot fix) with the shortage of physicians.

On the contrary there is a surge of retail medicine clinics  noted on the rise like mini clinics at CVS , Wal-Mart and others that offer convenient access to the patients and replace the traditional care visits such as ER visits.

This trend  is expected to continues to increase all across America , and even helped by the Affordable Care Act( Obama Care).

Now, It is up to the consumer to choose what is the easiest, most convenient hours and locations and the best prices and be  engaged in their healthcare decisions and be educated and have true partnership with an ongoing discussion that will keep them healthy and save them money and prevent expensive ER trips and hospitalization. 

Our Low Cost Quality Healthcare does just that, by offering ( Direct Care Medicine) to the consumer . After all, in a free healthcare market, the choice of care will be decided by the consumer not by the doctor( provider) or the institution ( hospitals)  or even insurance companies for that matter. It is going to be about customer service, patient experience, and most importantly the price. More patients ask about how much any procedure or test will cost them especially if it is out of pocket and ( is the patient's responsibility) , they also ask if it is really needed!. So another important factor is going to be transparency in all what services delivered to patient as it is clear in black and white from the beginning ( no hidden cost or hassle!).

People wanted to be treated as human beings with dignity and respect they deserve while saving them big!  We strive to do that everyday and there will always be various customer needs that are met with various models  as there are going to be a big portion of patients who want to be served in a dedicated office setting , and some do not mind  to shop for a dress and get their healthcare at the same place!

Dr Adel Eldin,MD, FACC,FACP
Board Certified Cardiologist
President, Clinical Appeals Services
Founder, CEO
Affordable Quality Healthcare Program
Founder, CEO
Wesley Chapel , Florida
President ,Society of Physician Entrepreneur, Tampa Bay Chapter

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