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Florida Medical Tourism Blog | Latest Health News
December 15, 2015
Peace on Earth

There are so many shared values in this holiday season including peace. Although Muslims do not celebrate Christmas, they celebrate the message of Jesus (peace be upon him) everyday. Muslims love Jesus and his mother, The Virgin Mary, as she is described as the most honored woman on Earth with an the entire chapter in the Holy Qura'an […]

December 15, 2015
More Hospital Closing in America?

Recent article showed 8 hospitals filed for bankruptcy protection or actually closed since October and it is happening all over the country as more than 50 hospitals already shut down mostly serving rural America before! For example, St. Mary Hospital in  Illinois plans to discontinue services and sell to another company which may use it […]

November 4, 2015
Figuring out your ER Bill!

The issue of transparency in any business in general and in Healthcare in particular is taking front stage because of its critical importance to consumers. A good leading model such as ( Surgery Center of Oklahoma ) is forcing so many other healthcare facilities including hospitals to be transparent with their charges related to different […]

November 4, 2015
Cyber Security

So many billions of dollars are lost due to various cyber security breaches! The internet has made it possible for all kinds of data, such as Financial data, biologic data, personal data and health data to give few examples. Once hacking takes place , the consequences could be devastating to individuals, companies, corporations and even […]

November 4, 2015
Another Successful US-Arab Business Summit

Taking a closer look into the future globally and how it is being shaped , and reflect on the lessons learned on what works and what does not , thus turning challenges into opportunities in various fields here and throughout the Arab World! Ranging from turning Cities of today into the Smart Cities for the […]

October 15, 2015
Risk sharing versus Risk shifting

Are you ready and prepared yet? The risk is being shifted and being ( dumped) on the consumer , that is what is happening and became official. It is seen in many cases whether with the new credit card machines , if you do not update your machine, the risk will be shifted from the […]

Our Mission & Strategy

Florida Medical Tourism is a unique global service in medical care. It was originally designed to offer special medical services to global customers, specifically from the Middle East (Arabic speaking areas). The program was founded in the spring of 2012 to offer culturally sensitive medical services with emphasis on universal values and compassionate care.
8606 Hunters Village Rd
Tampa, FL 33647
TEL: +(352) 592-4938
FAX: +(352) 592-4941
E-MAIL: [email protected]
[email protected]
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