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Florida Medical Tourism Blog | Latest Health News
January 2, 2017
Fulfilling New Year Resolution!

As the year 2016 comes to an end and 2017 is here, one must pause and rethink the New Year Resolution. To have a fresh start with the New Year and work on achieving a number of goals which usually include start exercising regularly, loose weight, stop smoking and drinking, spend more quality time with family […]

July 29, 2016
Do you practice Honest Medicine?

Do you practice evidence-based Medicine? or you feel you were put in a situation where patient best interest is not being looked at as first priority. But rather as revenue generating for job security especially in the employed physician category! To put it all in prospective, here are real examples to illustrate this challenge. A […]

June 6, 2016
Fasting for better Health and Life!

شركه فلوريدا العالميه للسياحه الطبيه تهنا العالم العربي و الاسلامي بمناسبه حلول شهر رمضان المعظم Florida Medical Tourism wishes you a very Happy Blessed Month of Ramadan Very exciting recent research from the University of South California and previously at University of Utah showed that intermittent  fasting would not only improve health, lipid profile, blood […]

May 9, 2016
Cost of Chronic Diseases

Chronic diseases rising cost is a major drain of US economy since 86 cents of each dollar spent on healthcare goes to treating chronic disease. It is estimated that there is 133 million Americans with chronic disease and about 45% of population have at least one chronic disease. Chronic diseases also put huge burden on […]

May 9, 2016
Retail Clinic Growth and its Impact on Healthcare

Retail Clinics have had a substantial growth over the past few years and are expected to have an even faster growth rate in the upcoming years. Retail Clinics are booming as consumers seek new ways to get convenient, cost  effective healthcare which constitute a formidable challenge to traditional practice. As a matter of fact, some insurers […]

May 9, 2016
Nation's Largest Insurance Company is pulling out of Obama Care.

United Health Care CEO Stephen Hemsley announced on April 19th that the company will pull out from most of Obama Care exchanges in 2017 citing a billion dollar loss in 2015 and 2016.  This loss was largely due to having a large pool of sicker patients enrolled in the Affordable Care Act( ACA). And he  […]

Our Mission & Strategy

Florida Medical Tourism is a unique global service in medical care. It was originally designed to offer special medical services to global customers, specifically from the Middle East (Arabic speaking areas). The program was founded in the spring of 2012 to offer culturally sensitive medical services with emphasis on universal values and compassionate care.
8606 Hunters Village Rd
Tampa, FL 33647
TEL: +(352) 592-4938
FAX: +(352) 592-4941
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