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Detract yet delight written farther his general. If in so bred at dare rose lose good. Feel and make two real miss use easy.
August 20, 2013
Low Cost Quality Healthcare: Health Care Crisis: Limit Hospitalization

Editorial Reviews Minimize High Cost Procedures Low cost Quality Healthcare model, health care crisis, avoid hospitalization , avoid high cost procedures, enjoy a better quality of life and save thousands, stress management, disease prevention, wellness and fitness all key wards for the first video, use pictures fore the heart health and wellness. This product is manufactured […]

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July 21, 2013
Medical Travel Today

Medical Travel Today (MTT):  Please share your interests in medical travel. Adel Eldin, MD (AE):  More than 30+ years ago I worked as a tour guide while I was going to medical school, and I have always been interested in education -- educating my own patients and through with my community outreach program.  Seeing the devastation […]

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Our Mission & Strategy

Florida Medical Tourism is a unique global service in medical care. It was originally designed to offer special medical services to global customers, specifically from the Middle East (Arabic speaking areas). The program was founded in the spring of 2012 to offer culturally sensitive medical services with emphasis on universal values and compassionate care.
8606 Hunters Village Rd
Tampa, FL 33647
TEL: +(352) 592-4938
FAX: +(352) 592-4941
E-MAIL: [email protected]
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