I recently had a phone call from Dan DeWitt asking about Muslims taking part in the religious display at the courthouse in Brooksville and I mentioned to him that this Christmas holiday is the opportunity for our fellow friends of Christian faith to express their religious holiday and rightfully so enjoy it and I mentioned to him that the love of Jesus shared by Muslims and Christians alike should bring them closer than ever this holiday season.
I thought it would be beneficial to share some facts that Muslims love and respect Jesus as prophet of God who was sent with guidance to the people of Israel and who is mentioned in the holy Koran more times than the prophet of Islam, Mohammed (Peace be upon Him).
It is very interesting to notice that Christians know the holiest places in Christianity in Jerusalem, but very few know that it is actually two Muslims who open and close the holy door to these Christian sites and serve as the custodians of the entrance. Their names are Adeeb Joudeh and Wajeeh Nuseibeh, both are Palestinians and Muslims bearing the key to the heart of Christianity.
Watching world events and the amount of human suffering and all conflicts created out of ignorance and manipulated under religious context, one comes to realize that the only viable path to achieving peace is by education and dialogue, not by wars and killing.
Although Muslims do not celebrate Christmas, we do celebrate the message of peace of all prophets on a 24/7 basis. Let us work for peace in the season to make peace on Earth a reality not just in the Christmas card.